Immanuel Aid Society Cook Book
From the Immanuel Aid Society
Los Angeles, 1913
Immanuel Presbyterian Church was founded in 1888 and originally stood at the southwest corner of what is now Figueroa Street and Olympic Boulevard (pictured here in 1900 before either street was paved). In 1929, the Church moved to its new gothic-style building on Wilshire Boulevard, where it still operates today with services held in both English and Spanish.
The Ohio Electric car advertised on the front of the cookbook helped to date this cookbook. It is a Model 30 electric car, which was driven by a handle from the rear seat and advertised primarily to women as a “light shopping car” designed to go short distances. To read more about early electric car advertisements marketed to women, check out the Archive blog post, here
Historic architectural photo from the Los Angeles Public Library photo collection.
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