J.O.Y. Cook Book
From Bethany Baptist Church, Los Angeles, 1936
At the time of this cookbook's release, The Bethany Baptist church was at the corner of 104th and San Pedro Streets in Los Angeles. It had been at this address since at least the 1920s, and would hold services there until 1957, when the Church building was sold to what is now the Southside Bethel Baptist Church congregation, still there today. (Pictured, 1950s)
I do not know if Bethany Baptist Church moved elsewhere or perhaps merged with the West LA Bethany Baptist Church, which was founded that year. Charles Williams, then a freelance photographer for prominent black newspapers The California Eagle and The Los Angeles Sentinel, took photos of a wedding outside a Bethany Baptist Church (pictured, 1958). But I’m not sure if that is this Church’s new building, the West LA congregation, or a different Church sharing its name.
Do you know more about this cookbook or Bethany Baptists’ history? Please share through the Contacts page!
The "J.O.Y." in this cookbook’s title likely stands for the hierarchy of “Jesus, Others, You.”
Black & white images of Church Exterior, via Southside Bethel Baptist Church.
Black & white image of Falconers’ Wedding by photographer Charles Williams, via his collection at Cal State Northridge.
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Due to their fragile nature, each book is being digitized slowly by hand. If you have particular interest in a certain cookbook, please reach out via the Contact Page, so it will be given priority.