Ladies' Aid Cook Book
From The Ladies Aid Society First Methodist Episcopal Church
San Pedro, 1929
The San Pedro First Methodist Episcopal church was organized in 1889 in Crocker’s Hall on 6th St. The following year, the congregation purchased a property at the corner of Center and 12th Streets.
As the San Pedro News Pilot told it in 1912, that property included a building “erected from the timbers and lumber of the wrecked “St. Louis,” originally the U. S. cutter “Abraham Lincoln,” built during the early years of the civil war.” That log building was incorporated into the Church.
However, in 1916 the Church moved to the corner of Grand Ave. and 6th St. in San Pedro. Like the First Methodist Episcopal Church in Downtown Los Angeles, which also has a cookbook in this Archive, San Pedro’s First M.E. marketed itself with a revolving cross (“the revolving cross lights the way”).
By the time of this cookbook’s publication, the Church had a new Byzentine-style building on the Grand Ave site, designed by architect Arthur G. Lindley who also designed the Glendale Masonic Temple and many other churches throughout Los Angeles. A drawing of the exterior appears in the opening of this book (pictured). The building also featured dramatic, travertine stone entrances.
Today, San Pedro’s United Methodist Church holds services in a heavily modified version of the original structure.
To read more about the history of the city of San Pedro, see the entry for “Around The World, Around Our Town: Recipes from San Pedro
Around The World, Around Our Town: Recipes from San Pedro
Around The World, Around Our Town: Recipes from San Pedro Book 2
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Ladies' Aid Cook Book
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