Tried and True Cook Book
Compiled and Published by the Women of Christ Church
Los Angeles, 1913
Los Angeles’ Episcopal Christ Church stood at the corner of 12th and Flower Streets in Downtown LA at the turn of the last century (pictured). The building later became Trinity Methodist Episcopal Church, South for several years (note: Trinity Church also has a cookbook in this archive).
This "Tried and True" cookbook is bound in leather with its title stamped onto the cover. It begins with a quotation from Rev. Baker P. Lee: “We have here a string of culinary pearls gathered from homes of personal friends and only the thread binds them is our own.”
The book opens with detailed suggestions on setting the table, arranging the lighting, and decorating for a party. There is also a section on menu suggestions, accompanied by a picture of the Grill Room at the Hotel Alexandria.
Recipes include Marrow Dumplings, Hawaiin Curry, Stuffed Egg-Plant, Dago Tunny, Macaroni and Cheese, and Turkish Delight.
Historic architectural photo of 1201 S. Flower St., from The USC Digital Liibrary
90th Anniversary Cook Book, 1888-1978
Art of Cooking In Huntington Park, The
Book of Favorite Recipes compiled by The Sanctuary Choir, A
Cabrini Family Cook Book, The
Century Favorites, Deliciously Yours
Cook's Book, 1971, The
Cooking With Faith - II (Favorite Recipes From Our Best Cooks)
Favorite Recipes Compiled by Christian Social Involvement Interest Group
Favorite Recipes Compiled By the J.W.C. Class of the First M.E. Church
Favorite Recipes From Capitol Kitchens
Feeding The Multitudes, Commemorative Cookbook
Festival Foods 2: A Greek Cookbook
Gathered Crumbs: A Collection of Choice Tested Recipes
Gospel According To The Cornerstone Cooks, The
Immanual Aid Society Cook Book
J.O.Y. Cook Book
Kitchen Arts
Ladies' Aid Cook Book
Maggie's Cook Book
Make Your Holidays Merry Cooking and Crafts
Neighborhood Cookbook
Our Best By Test
Our Favorite Recipes
Our Favorite Recipes: Community Lutheran Church
Our Favorite Recipes: Nursery Guild Trinity Lutheran Church
Paramount's Favorite Recipes
Presbyterian Pantry
Queen Esther Cook Book
Raved Over Recipes: Featuring the Mexican Cookery of Sister Amelia, o.c.d.t.
Soup, Salad & Scripture
Taste & See (that the Lord is good)
Tasty Delights and Remedies
Tried and True Cook Book
Trinity Church Cook Book
Valley Vittles
Westchester Directory and Culinary Art
Westwood Guild Cook Book
What's Cooking In Whittier
Soon you will be able to download this entire book! Due to their fragile nature, each is being digitized by hand. If you have particular interest in a particular cookbook, please reach out via the Contact Page, so it will be given priority.